Spaulding (Spalding) Photos & Documents Gallery

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John Cook, Carrie E. Spaulding and, Helen Lorrain Spaulding Helen is 5 years old, John is 8 and Carrie is 10


Back side of Spaulding   

The last time Carrie was at Harbor Springs 1901

Helen Spaulding George Kraft's wife

Helen Spaulding George Kraft's wife

Helen Spaulding 1898 24 Years old, before marriage to George Kraft

Helen Spaulding 16 Years old, 1890

Helen Spaulding

Helen (Spaulding) Kraft and Belle (Cronin) Davis. Davis on Ground.

This is a photo of Helen's first date with George Kraft. George said when he saw Helen with this hat he had to marry her.

John Spaulding

Back of John Photo

Jack Spaulding This must be John

John Cook Spaulding

John Cook Spaulding His father was Minor Spaulding, his Grand Father was Orleans Spaulding who was in Paris Township in 1836

Aurilla (Rilla) Spaulding Loraine Harriet (Cook) Spaulding. Rilla (Elizabeth) (Patterson) Spaulding. This must be before May 12, 1868 because Loraine Harriet Cook was married in 1868 and wouldn't be called Spaulding, Rilla died 16 Feb 1879

Bottom Helen Spaulding, Miner Kinsey, Charles Kinsey Middle Carrie (Spaulding) Kinsey, David Kinsey, Nancy (Pletzer) Kinsey,Rhea (Kinsey) Cronin Top John Cook Spaulding, Lorrain (Cook) Spaulding

Green Lake July 4th 1894 John Cook Spaulding, A Kohleuslein, Lb Pratt, Helen L. Spaulding, Gertic Meech, Daisy Meech, Vera Myers, Marion Swain

Carrie Spaulding's (Kinsey) Birth Place Pictured Charles Lawyer Carrier Spaulding Loraine (Cook) Spaulding Most likely the birth place of John and Helen Spaulding. Minor P. Spaulding is their father (Not Pictured) On Cook Road which is now 48th street

Belle Davis, Delia Bowen, Helen Spaulding

I was told that the building on the left was the Spaulding house owned by Lewis Spaulding who was also owned a saloon.  My Uncle.

Minor P. Spaulding son of Orleans and Rilla Patterson.  My Great Grand Father. (Civil War Uniform)



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This site was last updated 04/16/2014 05:47 PM